
Floaty is a Caddy plugin implementing customizable rolling random IDs on a per-host basis, providing easy access via placeholders in Caddy.

Uses include:

  • Loopback prevention
  • Multi-hop debugging
  • Forced time-based rolling sticky hash wherever needed

All with little to no traceability, if the rolling duration is set correctly.



In the global section, set Floaty to run before request header processing.

	order floaty before header

In any of the server blocks, use the floaty directive to prepare the respective rolling random IDs. The syntax is as follows.

floaty [length [rollDuration]] [{
	[fieldId [length [rollDuration]]]

Whenever Floaty is initialized, the placeholder http.floaty would become available within that server block, where placeholders from HTTP handlers are accessible.

Generated ID lengths can be any value between 4 and 96, and out-of-bound values will be clamped into this range. By default, length is set to 8. Longer IDs may cause excessive resource usage.

Roll duration can be set to any value above 10 seconds with millisecond precision, if supported by the Go duration syntax. It's set to 15 minutes by default. A lower rolling duration may cause excessive resource usage.

When a request is received, Floaty will attempt to check if any of the needed request IDs have expired. Only when expired upon receiving a request, will Floaty begin to regenerate a new ID. This will add a little bit of overhead to each request, however it will prevent unnecessary ID rerolls when not in use.


Adding a response header with a default Floaty ID:

http://:8080 {
	header X-Floaty {http.floaty}

Adding a request header with a Floaty ID to reverse proxies, while blocking requests with a matching Floaty ID:

http://:8080 {
	floaty {
		instance_id 12 10m
		source_id 12 5m
	@directLoopback {
		header X-Previous-Hop {http.floaty.instance_id}
	@indirectLoopback {
		header X-Source-Hop {http.floaty.source_id}
	respond @directLoopback "Loopback denied" 403
	respond @indirectLoopback "Loopback denied" 403
	reverse_proxy {
		header_up X-Previous-Hop {http.floaty.instance_id}
		header_up ?X-Source-Hop {http.floaty_source_id}