

For bare-metal, virtual machines and LXC containers. Do not run native install scripts other than on new machines.

  1. On any of the supported distros, make sure curl is available.
  2. Execute sh <(curl -Ls (or sh <(curl -Ls, use GEL_SLIM=1 to enable slim installation)
  3. Connect via SSH with ssh -p 1122 <serverIP>. User passwords won't change, but SSH settings will. See the SSH section for details.


Container images are only offered as a convenient way of evaluating the installations.

  1. Spin up one of the available Gel flavours.
    1. Images are available on the Docker Hub if you want to save time. Use podman pull<flavour> to pull the images.
    2. Or feel free to build the image yourself with ./shx up <flavour>.
  2. Connect to the SSH with ssh -p 1122 [email protected]. The default password is root.

Additional considerations

Alpine Linux

Gel needs the community repo to be enabled in order to function.

openSUSE Leap

doas is not available on the platform. The regular sudo is used instead.


Privilege elevation

To reduce attack surface, Gel will attempt to replace sudo with doas from OpenBSD. By default, only the root user is allowed to use the doas command.

To allow other users to execute the doas command as root, append the following directives to a new line in /etc/doas.conf.

permit keepenv <user> as root

Make sure there is a trailing new line at the end of /etc/doas.conf. If not, doas command will not work.


The SSH settings will be changed with a relatively more secure one, except for permitting password logins to prevent you from losing access with an unfinished setup.

After finishing the automated Gel setup, do the following to secure your SSH access.

  1. If the password of the root user wasn't set by you, change it to a stronger one.
  2. Add a custom new user, which would be used for SSH logins.
  3. As the newly-created custom user, add the public keys used for SSH authorization.
  4. Keep the current SSH session active, and login as the new user to ensure access to machine is not lost.
  5. Allow the new user to use the doas command and verify. See the Privilege elevation section for details.
  6. Add the new user to the sshuser group, added automatically by the setup script. Example: usermod -aG sshuser <user>.
  7. In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, do the following.
  • Set PermitRootLogin from yes to no.
  • Uncomment AllowGroups and DenyGroups.
  • (optional) Change the listening port from 1122 to another.
  1. Restart sshd with systemctl restart sshd.