Lavender Panels

Lavender currently organizes the following panels.

Best of Fedi Pones

Artists new to the Fediverse often complain about not reaching enough audiences. So what's the solution? Well, with a weekly panel promoting pony artworks published on the Fediverse, of course!

Organized by a group of Fediverse enthusiasts from the My Little Pony fandom, Best of Fedi Pones seeks to bring what the Fediverse has to offer to everyone enjoying the creativity from the pony fandom. Better together!

Source code: Codeberg

Artwork submission

Submitting artworks will get them included in the issues of Best of Fedi Pones if not denied. All submitted artworks, unless violating AUP, will be also referenced by the MLP English Lavender community.

Submitting artworks

Best of Fedi Pones has been directly integrated into the Fediverse since issue 10. Submission only requires the inclusion of #weeklypony tag while also mentioning @[email protected]. Works both when posting yourself and replying to others.

Inclusion denial

Submissions will be denied if they match at least one of criteria listed below.

  • Is not SFW.
  • Is generated by neural networks. Inspired by or assisted with NN doesn't count.
  • Not posted by the artist themself.
  • Violates LTGC AUP.
  • Was posted for longer than 14 days to the deadline of the target issue.

Voting and issuing

Voting of each submission is done in a room accessible to all panel organizers. While the room is bridged to Discord and Telegram, only votes from Matrix and Discord are counted due to technical limitations.

Each eligible voter can part one ⭐️(:star:) emoji to give a submission an upvote. Submissions with high vote count will be ordered first, and submissions sharing the same vote count have their exact order determined by the hash of the origin URL. No downvotes are available.

Voting of each issue generally begins at 12:00 UTC +0 on every Saturday, and ends at 18:00 UTC +0 on the next day. The dataset should be available shortly after the voting ends, and any organizer can release the issue with the dataset.

To prevent accusations of theft, except for the cover art, all submission images must be hotlinked from source. Cover art is generally selected among the submission with the top 60% vote count, entirely by the organizer posting the issue with their own preferences. However, it's advised to avoid featuring the same artist within the span of 9 issues, and artists new to the Fediverse are advised to be preferred.