Acceptable Usage Policy

These terms do not yet have legal liabilities, however they are enforced.

Underlined terms should have definitions available in the Definitions section.


  • Child pornography: Depictions of underage humans or underage characters resembling humans.
  • Underage: Below 18 years old.

Disallowed use

AUP does not cover cases where reasons of policy enforcements are explained.

  • Reselling any of our public services, which is free-of-charge for all.
  • Breaching the awareness scope defined by projects/services.
  • Scanning us or to scan others (e.g. port scanning).
  • Gaining unauthorized resource access.
  • Degrading the performance of our servers (e.g. flooding).
  • Violating others privacy (e.g. doxxing).
  • Impersonating existing identities without stating satire status.
  • Exploiting stolen identities.
  • Distributing unsolicited data (e.g. spam).
  • Scamming.
  • Hate speech (e.g. racism, xenophobia).
  • Promotion of self-harm (e.g. suicide).
  • Harming others physically or psychologicaly (e.g. torture threats, death threats, harassement).
  • Engaging in distribution of illegal substances, human organs, guns and etc.
  • Promoting, encouraging and/or beautifying any of the following topics.
    • Crimes against humanity (e.g. massacre).
    • Terrorism, its practices and exercising organizations.
  • Distributing content matching any of the following criteria, without explicit warning to the target audience.
    • Malware.
    • Phishing content.
    • Pornography.
  • Distributing and storing content matching any of the following criteria.
    • Child pornography.
    • Pornography without consent of involved parties.
  • Defaming us without any validated proof.