
Lavender is a friendly discussion lounge for both the My Little Pony fandom and LTGC, powered by the magic of Lemmy. No matter what you are, be a pony, dragon, hippogriff or draconnequus, you're welcome here!

Lavender adheres to the general Terms of Service and Acceptable Usage Policy.

The incubator thread can be viewed here.



The service can be accessed from the addresses listed below.


Read Lavender panels.

Account registration

Alpha phase

Lavender is still in the alpha phase. During the alpha phase...

  • Only people already having a presence on Fediverse can apply for account registration. You must fulfill any criteria listed below.
    • Have an account on one of the listed public instances for more than 14 days, with at least 7 posts in total.
    • Have an account on any public Fediverse instances for more than 14 days, with at least 7 posts in total, and the identity relates to the My Little Pony fandom.
    • Be a member of the Lightingale Community.


Alpha phase

Lavender is still in the alpha phase. During the alpha phase...

  • Only accounts on the instance itself can apply to become a moderator.
  • Only with two or more